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Doug Elmendorf, dean and Don K. Price professor of public policy at Harvard Kennedy School, joins cohost Sarah Rosen Wartell for a conversation about using evidence in policymaking and higher education. Elmendorf also offers reflections on creating space for different perspectives, policy areas with potential for progress this election year, and much more. 

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Spotlight On Foster Care
A boat in the water
Families envision a system that provides support before they are in crisis, but doing so may require transforming how the system currently works.
An image of a group of young adults looking at a cellphone.
After 23 years, Chafee, the major federal legislation supporting transition-age young people in foster care, still has a long way to go in achieving its goals.
Alyssa Beltran, community worker in the Office of Research and Evaluation in Santa Clara County’s Social Service Agency
The Santa Clara County Social Services Agency has taken steps to incorporate young people's voices in their social safety programming, ensuring that the programs meet their actual needs and provide a stable foundation into adulthood.
Three young adults huddled around looking at an iPad.
Evidence shows young people with foster care experience who receive an Education and Training Voucher are more likely to enroll in four-year schools and graduate from college, but without changes that break down barriers to access and increase funding, the program can’t realize its full potential.
Homelessness and child welfare system involvement pose substantial challenges for families, but supportive housing can help them stay together and access secure housing.