Home to the Urban InstituteReconnecting Disadvantaged Young Men

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Reconnecting Disadvantaged Young Men

By several recent counts, the United States is home to 2 to 3 million youth age 16 through 24 who are out of school and out of work. Much has been written on disadvantaged youth, and government policy has gone through many incarnations, yet questions remain unanswered. Why are so many young people "disconnected," and what can public policy do about it? And why has disconnection become more common for young men-particularly African-American men and low-income men-than for young women? In Reconnecting Disadvantaged Young Men, Edelman, Holzer, and Offner offer analysis and policy prescriptions to solve this growing crisis. They carefully examine field programs and research studies and recommend specific strategies to enhance education, training, and employment opportunities for disadvantaged youth; to improve the incentives of less-skilled young workers to accept employment; and to address the severe barriers and disincentives faced by some youth, such as ex-offenders and noncustodial fathers. The result is a clear guidebook for policymakers, and an important distillation for anyone interested in the plight of today�s disconnected youth.

Reconnecting Disadvantaged Young Men, by Peter Edelman, Harry J. Holzer, and Paul Offner; Foreword by Hugh Price, is available from the Urban Institute Press (paper, 6" x 9", 156 pages, ISBN 0-87766-728-4, $26.50). Order online or call (202) 261-5687; toll-free 800.537.5487.

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